Saturday 17 November 2012

Books - 365+1

Sit Back and Relax - Digital Crea
I always have a pile of books beside the computer.  It seems that no matter how often I tidy them away another pile appears within days.  They are mostly cookery books that I am consulting for inspiration but the pile also features my notebooks, some letters and stuff I've printed off to look at later.

I've got a couple of days off next week so hope to bring a little order to my living room, including putting away some of the books!


  1. That's the nice thing with digital books, you don't make a mess when you have them all around even if you have 1000. Also good when you move ! My back still remembers the last books unpacking 11 years ago, lol. xx

  2. ooo Enjoy your time off work Janice and get those books tidied!


  3. I always have a pile of cookery books next to me at this time of year :) xxx

  4. lovely layout and hope you get to tidy the books away- it wont be long I am sure until another pile appears though :)

  5. I bought a couple of lovely cookery books from Smiths at the weekend- for 10 poiund. The Hairy Bikers and Lorraine Pascalle. I'm looking forward to sitting down with them soon.


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