Saturday, 1 August 2009

DCM - Bejewelled Bliss

Bejewelled Bliss

In honour of Lythan's addiction to the Facebook game Bejewelled Blitz, this week's DCM is all about bling! I decided that this would be a good opportunity to start on the 'C' cards (shhhhhh, don't mention that word it's too early). I covered a piece of dark green card with some sparkly crocodile print stuff that I've had for years, the paper is Basic Grey Fruitcake , the little holly stamp came with a set I bought at Lakeland Ltd, with Anita's little red gems (from my blog candy) and the vintage image is from 'Last Door Down the Hall'


  1. Very technical that Janice, "sparkly crocodile print stuff" lol very effective though.


  2. Lovely Janice, I've saved a few of those vintage images myself. Fab blinging there!

  3. NOw that is bright and beautiful Janice. Just don't mention the C word to me yet!

  4. I love vintage images. I know! That "C" word seems to be coming up more and more! Ack! Love the header, birthday girl!

  5. Christmas cards already Janice???????

    I can’t even think about Christmas yet but you’ve obviously made a good start with that card.
    A very ‘sparkly’ card indeed and I love the vintage look image.

    Thanks for ‘daring’ to join us this week.

  6. Sparkly crocodiles huh? Not sure how long they'd last in the evolutionary scheme of things but they make a fab sparkly backdrop for a Christmas card :o)

  7. Is this what I think it is, or is it must masquerading as a.....C.... cccccard?

    Love the idea of using those tiny gems for the berries


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