Wednesday, 20 February 2008

HS:MS - Intrude

Slight cheat here, as I didn't take this, but my DS2 did. He is the talented artist who is concentrating on his music just now, which is great, but I think he has an artistic eye and I love this picture. This is the cottage at the top of our road which is now a semi-ruin and covered in ivy.


  1. Oh, I LOVE this shot! Your DS definitely has a very good eye. x

  2. Gorgeous picture I love the colours. x

  3. This is a lovely pic Janice. I have the feeling I've seen it before though - did you post it for something a while ago?

  4. Very likely Joanne-it is one of my faves.

  5. He HAS got an eye for a good piccy!

  6. Oooh, thats a gorgeous photo, love how the colour of the window frame actually frames the whole pic. Lovely.....


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