Friday 15 June 2012

Same...but different - 365+1

Aimee Harrison - Apple Day
For the rest of the week, we have to choose to photograph one thing in different places.  I have chosen my phone and today it is resting in the fruit bowl.


  1. What a gorgeous looking bowl of fruit- could just eat some of that!!!!!!

  2. Very good, and yes, I agree the fruit looks great :) I look forward to seeing where the phone rests next! xxx

  3. Certainky it will be with you everywhere you go.. they are well travelled these phones.. x

  4. A certain way to get one of your "five a day" :)

  5. Great idea. Congratulations! Again, great design.
    / I thought my bag to photograph the places where I walk. /

  6. Lovely bowl of fruit. I'm looking forward to seeing where your phone gets to this week.


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