Wednesday 2 June 2010

Planting up my tubs and troughs

We get a lot of late frosts where I live, so I don't put my bedding plants into the tubs and troughs until the end of May.  Last Saturday we went early to the garden centre, before the Bank Holiday crowds arrived, and bought compost and a pile of plants.  We also got a large ceramic planter for Brian to repot 'his plant', more of that later.

We got three bags of compost, but Brian had to go back later for another three and we used the lot!!!

Some of the trays of plants

Here are some of the stone troughs planted up with bizzie lizzies & petunias
Bizzie Lizzies (Impatiens)
More Bizzie Lizzies


Over on the patio, there are more pots and wooden barrel type containers

 and a couple of old stone containers which started life as water containers 
for hens!

and this is Brian's 'Pinus Mugo' in it's new container.


  1. That's a lot of planting, Janice - well done x

  2. Bizzie Lizzies... that's a cute name. I have been growing impatients in window boxes for many, many years. The bunnies can't get to them but I have chipmunks and squirrels that dig into them.

    You have accomplished much. As your weather warms you will have overflowing flowers everywhere! Hope to see some late summer photos :)

  3. very nice :) i like the water containers :) and i'm sorry but i was expecting a HUGE plant from brian LOL

  4. I do love the "hens" containers Janice they look great. Not sure on "Brian's plant" though. haha


  5. It's always amazing how the compost just seems to disappear. Glad it doesn't just happen to me!
    Hope the plants take well & we get to see them again in a months time or so... Good luck.xx


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