Tuesday, 8 April 2008

HS:MS Lever and a flying bear

I'm trying to do my Her Space: My Space photos this week and it is always better to get them in fairly early. The prompt today is 'Lever', well no shortage of levers round about a farm! I thought an old lever might be more interesting, so this is one on our old horse-drawn hay rake.

What do you do with a wet bear? I am having a big spring clean this week and did out my youngest son's room (he is 19 and doesn't live here anymore) his bears still live here though and Paddington was a bit dusty, so I thought I would wash him. He had a lovely time in the washing machine, but when he came out I was not sure how to dry him. It was pretty frosty here this morning without much wind, so he wouldn't dry on the line outside. Having just taken down the jumpers from the pulley, I decided to see if I could lodge him somehow in the hangers. When I looked at the finished article, I thought he definitely looked like he was trying out some hang gliding or should that be hanger-gliding hee hee hee.


  1. I'm going to report you to the RSPCP!!! Putting the poor thing through your washing machine!!

    Great pictures.

  2. Great lever photo and are you sure Paddington is not too dizzy from the spin cycle to be trusted up there?!

  3. Great lever! Poor old bear , how could you?! :)

  4. Cool shot of the old equipment!

  5. Lol!! at the bear! Love the lever shot.

  6. hehehe poor ted!
    I can remember my mum hanging our teddies out on the line by the ears - never seemed quite right to moe!

  7. ooh I love the super bear Janice!

    Is it a bird? Is it a plane? NO!!! It's paddy bear! lol


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