Saturday, 17 April 2010

The roof is finished

The roof is finally finished, the chimney's have been rebuilt and the scaffolding has been taken down.  It turned into a much bigger job than we expected, but it should last for a very long time now.  The next thing will be getting the house painted as it is looking a bit scruffy.

Spring is a busy time on the farm, so today Brian is taking out some muck/dung/manure that has been 'maturing' in our 'midden' for a year.   Here he is heading off to the field at the top of the road.


  1. Nothing like a bit of muck-spreading...I love the smell, takes me right back!

    ooo your new chimneys look smart XXX

  2. Janice that's a lot of poo in that trailer!!! xx

  3. Ahhhh memories of muck spreading! lol

    Hope the wind was in the right direction Janice ;))

  4. For some reason I have not been to your blog for ages and it looks like i have lots of catching up to do this house looks great!

  5. I know that it is a tremendous amount of work, but it must nonetheless be exciting to see it start to come together.

  6. much/dung/manure... I know another word for it Janice...

    Smelly! HAHA!


  7. Glad the roof is finished Janice :)

  8. Very smart new roof and chimberlies, glad all the scaffolding is gone! Mature muck has a very particular aroma, doesn't it?!

  9. Glad the roof etc is finished now. As for the manure, rather Brian than me! x


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