Saturday, 24 April 2010

Nature Walk

It was a warm and sunny day today, so I took my camera for a walk. As I live right in the countryside, there are always lots of natural things to photograph, but I think  the spring is the most exciting time.  The tree buds are just bursting open, the lambs are in the fields and the bees come out to gather nectar from the first spring flowers.

Here are some pictures from my walk to day.


  1. Oh you took some gorgeous photos today Janice you lucky thing xxx

  2. those are beautiful photos janice :) but i'm pretty sure that wasn't 73 LOL

  3. Oh these are fabulous Janice! X

  4. Lovely piccies, the one of the bee in the flower is gorgeous!

  5. gorgeous pics, so glad I got to join you for a bit on your lovely stroll Janice!

    dandelions seem to like it everywhere!

    I can almost hear the bee buzzing!

  6. Your pictures are AMAZING! So natural earthy colors... I love them:)

    Thank you for stopping by my little place and your nice comment!


  7. Great lifelike pics.
    The bees we get here in my part of S.A. are a light golden clour , not the bumble bee type...stunning pic


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