Monday, 30 November 2009


Here is the card I made for my friend to send. That's William the Westie (West Highland Terrier) with a little PSE magic (I told you my role model was Samantha from Bewitched!) you can see what William gets up to on Christmas Eve.


  1. hahaha what a lovely card I'm sure your friend will love it.

    What is your next trick Samantha-sorry Janice- Christmas dinner in a twitch of your nose?


  2. Fab bit of digital magic - great card!

  3. aaww how sweet - your friend will adore it.

  4. Love the new blog header too Janice. :)

  5. Awww, this is so sweet. I love Westies. We did have one - Sam was his name, but he died very suddenly about 4 years ago. We do miss him.
    This card is so lovely. You're very cleaver!


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