Saturday, 7 January 2012

365+1 - Drink

Kit: Giungerscraps, Scrap your Life
I had to raid the drinks cupboard for this photograph, just a small selection of our spirits: Tia Maria, Glen Moray Malt Whisky, Gordon's Sloe Gin, Cherry Brandy and a full bottle of Amaretto. There was also bottle of Russian Standard Vodka, another bottle of malt whisky and a couple of bottles of sherry left in there.  This does rather make it seem that I'm some kind of serious drinker, but they are all there because we mostly drink wine and rarely have spirits.  I do like to have a nice selection of liquers though and they often end up in puddings or baking.

If you would like to join in, make your way over to Susie's blog HERE


  1. Glen Moray is made in the town where I live - great selection.

  2. Lol Janice, expected nothing less from you :D

  3. Glen Moray was my Dad's favourite!

    Great pic. :-)

  4. for cooking?! yeah right lol

  5. My choice out of those would be Tia Maria although I'm more partial to a Cointreau - not that I drink it often, can't even remember the last time x

  6. Great picture....S xx

  7. Ha ha...a bit of a waste to put in your cooking! Nice selection there Janice, well, except for the can keep that!!

  8. Ha ha ha I have a vision of Father Jack from the series Father Ted sitting in his armchair shouting "drink! drink!" haha

    You can put it all back into the cupboard now Janice until you make another cake ;) haha.


  9. You buy sloe gin? Heathen! Get thee to the hedgerows! Great photo though!

  10. In fact, Joanne, I didn't buy it. It was a gift. But there weren't enough sloes this year to make sloe gin anyway!


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