Saturday 6 April 2013

Through my kitchen window in April

The view from my kitchen window is a little bit brighter than it has been in the last three months.  Still not much growth, but at least the sun is shining and it was a balmy 8C today!

I even managed to find some daffodils in flower, not on our road but about 1/2 a mile away.  I was on a mission to find some wild garlic which grows in the woods by a stream.

Some of it had been damaged by the snow, but I managed to gather enough new undamaged leaves to make some garlic butter.

No daisies to complete the poem yet though, maybe next week :-)


  1. Glad you found some garlic but what did you have your garlic butter with Janice.


  2. We haven't had it yet, it is chilling in the fridge!

  3. I never thought of using wild garlic foe garlic butter. I must try that. My cooking repertoire has really improved since I "met" you. I have been trying lots of new recipes.

  4. Oh Viv, that's fabulous. Thank you so much for that. I love to cook and to share my love for cooking, you've made my day!

  5. Viv beat me to it, I was just about to say the same thing re garlic leaves, but not sure how to recognise wild garlic!

    We are so alike, no daisies her and daffs still not fully open but this weekend 2 days of sunshine and also balmy 8C so we will see :)


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