Saturday, 7 July 2012

Past Its' Prime - 365+1

Sherwood Studio - Thrift
I had plenty of choice for 'Past its Prime'.  But I chose our old caravan, it belonged to my parents and they gave it to us when they upgrade to one with heating and a shower!  We used it for a few years for holidays, but it was getting elderly and as we started to venture further afield with the boys, it found a resting place in the yard and became a sort of loft!  Every now and then I go through the things that are in there and send some to the charity shop and some to the landfill.  It's still watertight and somehow we never really get it emptied.

I am forever grateful to the caravan for storing the best of my boys toys and books.  I am gradually introducing my grandson to the large collection of Duplo, there is a Brio Railway and when he is older, boxes of lego and Playmobil and his Dad's Thomas the Tank Engine railway.  Without the caravan I wouldn't have had space to store these.

So it may be rather grubby, run down and past its prime, but it is still very useful to me.


  1. Yes, even an old caravan can shelter many treasures. Well done ! Love your LO ! xx

  2. Sounds like a wonderful playroom!!! I wouldn't mind one here!

  3. Well then it may look past it's prime but it is still useful :)

  4. Ahhh Brio, it was the best toy of my some who is 26 tomorrow and I think the g'daughters will love it when there isn't a toddler in the house! X

  5. My son is 25 and loved his Brio. Gson has had a 'go' but didn't really get it. So have put it away for a little while.

  6. What a great place to store the treasured toys!!
    We had Brio and the wooden toys are so much better than plsctic which easily breaks!

  7. Congratulations on your wonderful project! The picture is excellent for this topic! Bravo!

  8. aaah so good to see the "famous" caravan lol. :)


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