Friday 24 April 2009

Show and Tell - Big Digger

We are getting some work done on our field drains, and this enormous digger arrived this afternoon :o It is huge! I just had to take a pic and share it with you.


  1. It does look huge - hope it's not about to scoop your entire house up ;o)

  2. WOW!! or in the words of my 8 year old...AWESOME. :-)

  3. WOW its enormous!!! I love the arty pic Janice and the way you framed the house!!!!! X

  4. What a great picture! You really know how to frame your subject.

    Thanks for the visit to my blog to see my Artarazzi entry. Hope you will be able to get in on this challenge. I'm eager to see your work on this beautiful subject.


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