Saturday, 26 May 2012

Instant Garden - 365+1

Thalaris - The power of flowers for Digital Crea
Today's prompt was 'Cleanliness' - that really didn't inspire me on such a lovely outdoor sort of day.  I headed off to the garden centre this morning to get some bedding plants for my tubs and troughs.  When I opened the boot of my car 'Instant Garden' popped into my head and I knew I had my 365 photograph.


  1. I recently bought a garden full of colour- and love watering them every day!

  2. great photo, enjoy planting them all- looks like it will be a long job :)

  3. Already planted this afternoon, didn't take that long really.

  4. What a great idea and I love your design !

  5. I too love to see the car full of plants on a trip, we don't do it very often as we have a small garden, but the impact they make is all the more remarkable. Enjoy :) As if I have to tell you that! Jen x


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