Friday 25 May 2012

Boring - 365+1

I looked through the bookshelves for the most boring book I could find and Weed Biology and Control seemed to fit the bill!  I'm sure it is fascinating reading for someone, but I doubt it has been opened much in this house as you can see from the background photo which I took in our hay meadow last year. I really love all these meadow plants and don't consider them to be weeds at all.  They certainly make excellent hay.


  1. hmm maybe a good book for getting to sleep :)

  2. Good slant, I think we all have a book we'd never read!

  3. I, also, think meadow flowers are not weeds. I love your Meadow. Is your farm organic?

  4. No, Viv it's not organic. But we do try to use the minimum of chemicals.


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