Sunday, 2 November 2008


TraceyR wanted to see the holly I was talking about on Bubblyfunk Forum. We have lots of berries this year and as the birds will start to eat them now that the weather has got a lot colder, I thought I'd better take some pictures now before they have all gone.

Check out my Guy Fawkes, Firework blog banner too!


  1. Great shots, really lovely colour on those! You do realise we'll be expecting a spectacular blog banner for Christmas now, don't you? ;o)

  2. My goodness....I haven't seen that many berries on holly for ages Janice! Does that mean a hard winter...I can't remember???

  3. Thanks Janice. Lovely and ruby red, they make mine look dull in comparison.


  4. oooh your holly looks so cheerful. We have loads of holly innte garden but I've not noticed any berries - I'll have to go and look now!

  5. Brilliant colour...a whole lotta berries going on there.
    thanx for sharing them.
    chriss x

  6. What a lot of berries!
    Looks a sunny day. x


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