Friday, 4 January 2008


I've posted these snow pictures in chronological order. When I got up this morning it was white everywhere, I took the picture of 'the tree' at about 8am when it was barely light, so it's not a great picture, but I wanted to get it with the snow.
By the time I crawled along the roads to work it was 8.50 when I arrived and I caught this lovely sunrise over the snowy bushes. Yes, this is where I work - I am not a parkie, but work at what used to be a Victorian lunatic asylum (no jokes please, I've heard them all) then psychiatric hospital but with care in the community the buildings were not being used, so they were refurbished and house a variety of different organisations. However, all this means that we are in beautiful sandstone buildings set in glorious tree-filled parkland, very suitable for dog walking!

William loves the snow and was rolling in it later. The stuff here was a bit wet as it was on the playing fields and lots of people had been out with dogs earlier and been rolling big snow balls too. He was running about but also posed for me - he does love lots of attention and knows that I have treats for him in my pocket.

This one is especially for Maisy!


  1. Oooh, how could Maisy possibly resist?!

    You've got some lively pics there Janice - love the soft colours of the sunrise over the asylum one!

  2. Oh isn't he a cutie!!

    I lurve your sunrise pic, fantastic and what a beautiful place to work.

  3. Wow!!! Janice, brilliant photos - awwww Maisie!

  4. I love your photos - there are all gorgeous!

  5. What lovely photos Janice! Love the sunrise one.

    Maisy is suitably impressed with William! LOL x

  6. Gorgeous photos Janice, I love the blue tinge, and what a lovely place to work!


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