Saturday, 9 February 2013

Through my kitchen window in February

There was a fine drizzle falling outside when I took this photo, it's actually a bit warmer today a high of 4C!  It made a surprising difference to the temperature inside the house though. 

It was a different picture on Tuesday when we had snow and a wind which meant that it gathered on the window ledges.  More snow is forecast for tomorrow, but hopefully only a little.


  1. Oh, I want to be there looking out at the snow and countryside while I drink a big mug of cocoa and eat griddle scones.

  2. the temperature you have had is near to tropical, lol...yes we have snow forecast- hope we dont get it though.

  3. You do catch it all up there don't you! Looks fab, I really appreciate you joining in Janice.

  4. Hope you dont get too much snow tonight

  5. Quite a difference with the no snow and then snow. I hope you don't get much more snow.


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