Saturday, 16 February 2013

Reflection February - Impossible

And so we come to the Lucky Snapping in 2013, week of Reflection.  There have been some astonishing stories of courage and overcoming adversity from the Lucky Snappers this week.  I found it really difficult to think of anything that had been so challenging to me that it was impossible. I have faced many challenges but am fortunate never to have felt that anything was impossible. 

During the week, I was tweeting with some of my foodie friends and one of them discovered that I lived on a farm, worked full time as well as actively cooking, baking, occasionally crafting, blogging and sharing a house with my 88 year old mother-in-law. That was my lightbulb moment, I would journal about something other people thought was impossible i.e. sharing a house with my mother-in-law!

I put a little altered picture of her (taken in 2009) under the flap (the reason for the flap will become apparent when the cover of the journal is revealed) and I've given her glittery hair!  Anyway, here is what is written in the journalling around the edge of the page:

"I have shared a house with my mother-in-law since 1985.  Many people find this hard to believe and tell me that it would be impossible for them to live in the same house as their MIL.  I am not saying that we don't fall out sometimes, but on the whole we all rub along quite well together.  There is more tension between my husband and his mum, than between me and her. She will be 89 this year and still drives her own car, she has an active social life and helps around the house as much as she can.  Without her help my career would have been impossible, as she was there to look after our children  when I returned to work.  Sometimes I wonder what our lives would have been like  if we didn't share a house with her, but I find it impossible to imagine how it might have been."

Thanks to Anne for a great challenge, it pushes me to do some art journalling which I love, but never seem to find time for.


  1. I love it Janice and your story is inspiring too. I would see it as definitely impossible for me to live with my mum ( so far ) so I really admire people who have lived for years with parents or in-laws and have survived it lol ! I think it takes a big amount of kindness and patience to do that. I need to seriously improve on the side "patience". Well done to you ! Please also upload your page on the new link as it also enters into this category and I wouldn't want others to miss it ! xxx

  2. Lovely story, not sure if I could live with my mil, I know my husband couldn't lol. xx

  3. Your layouts are impressive and this journal page is no exception. What is even more exceptional is that you get on well with your MIL. We share the house with my mother and I often find her intrusions into our life impossible and hard. You both must be special to accept and nourish your relationship. Yours is another great "impossible" story.

  4. what a lovely story, I can see how it would benefit both your family and your mother in law.

  5. Anne - I'm not sure I could be described as patient, but I am pragmatic!
    Karen - yes that's what most people say!
    Kristina - I don't think we are so special, I think you just do what you have to do.
    Helen - yes, that's it!

  6. I kow what you mean Janice. You just have to get on with life.

  7. I think it's great that you have a support network which is of mutual benefit. My mother in law will be 80 this year and still works so can't rely on help being at hand!
    Glad I could inspire you this week LOL!

  8. I agree that often we live through times which only look impossible on reflection! We lived with his folks and my mum on either side, but we all had our own front doors and like you I cannot imagine not having had them around while raising the children x

  9. Yes, it takes a village or a great Mum or Mum-in-law.

    Your page is awesome, I love it. x

  10. Wonderful layout - congratulations!
    I always find interesting ideas in you, which I use. Here - not enough space on my list - you have the solution!
    I learn every day from you, dear Janice! Thank you very much!
    Successful week!


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