The rules to accepting this award is as follows: 1) first list 10 honest things about yourself and make it interesting, even if you have to dig deep! (2) pass the award on to 7 bloggers that you feel embody the spirit of the Honest Scrap.
Gez had awarded me this Honest Scrap blogging award, I am inclined to avoid too much 'deep stuff' on my blog, but am happy to share the things I have put down here.
1. I was a full-time farmer for 4 years, driving tractors, mucking out sheds and working with cattle.
2. I get very easily bored. I have had lots of hobbies, but find it hard to stay with anything for long. Crafting works for me because I do lots of different crafts.
3. I love to read, mostly detective fiction, murder and forensic but not psychological thrillers. The psychological stuff gets stuck in my head and gives me bad dreams.
4. I have a Certificate in Counselling, but decided not to do the Diploma to become a qualified counsellor after doing the 'Supervision' module as some of the things we were told we might hear came into the same category as the psychological thrillers and I knew that I would not be able to detach myself.
5. If I had the time and the money I would go and study textiles at Art College - maybe when I retire.
6. I see my sons differently now that they have left home. I don't see DS2 enough and I am proud to say that DS1 has become a very kind and thoughtful young man as he has matured.
7. I'm really quite an untidy person, but when it gets to a certain point I will have a mass clean up.
8. I was very fortunate to have great parents and a very happy and comfortable childhood.
9. My worst habit is interrupting people - oops!
10. I used to work for Donald Dewar MP before he became the very first First Minister of the Scottish Parliament (quite a long time before it!).
So now I have to choose 7 bloggers to receive this award, many of the bloggers I know have already been tagged so I thought I look for some that hadn't had this award: