Monday, 3 June 2013

The View - June 2013

Things are very green now in my view, you can see that our neighbour has taken the first crop of silage off the field behind the shed.
I planted up my tubs on Saturday, you would have thought this was late due to the weather, but I always leave it until the last weekend in May as we often have late frosts or strong winds which really set the plants back.  Fingers crossed they will not have to suffer any bad weather, at least until they are established.  You can also see that the table has appeared on the patio, we were able to eat out on the Bank Holiday weekend, not quite warm enough this past weekend for sitting outside.

Here is a bit of a closer look at what is going on in the field in the distance.  Our neighbours are having some draining work done.  My grandson enjoyed watching the digger.


  1. Lovely Janice, it has really greened up :)
    I hope you get lots of time to sit outside and enjoy the sunshine this summer.

  2. Beautiful Janice, it has become such green ! xxx

  3. I love that everything is turning green. Nice photos!

  4. Glad to see the plants are growing and the table it out.


  5. Lovely photos and we can also hardly wait to be able to sit and eat outside. As for the digger - it must have made your gradnson's day.


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