Thursday, 23 May 2013

Party Memories

There is nothing like a bit of nostalgia and KathiJo's prompt on Lucky Snapping in 2013 is all about Party Memories.  I'm not a big 'party' person, I really prefer smaller groups, so when it came to organising something for my 50th I wanted it to be something I would really enjoy.  In the end  I had two parties, here is a little bit about what we did:

Party #1 was held at the Dalton Pottery where we painted various pots and had them fired at the pottery.  I was joined by my husband, sons and their partners, sister-in-law and mother-in-law.

Party #2 was celebrated at the Seafood Restaurant in St Andrews with my Mum, Great Aunt and my sister, the food was fabulous and the setting is stunning as you are in a glass box sitting out over the sea.


  1. What a lovely 50th you had xxxx

    I love this nostalgia theme as I have so many years to reflect on. The downside is that all the photos have to be found in albums and scanned to upload them on my blog LOL!!

  2. Lovely pictures, great to have multiple birthdays. Here, we almost always manage 2 birthdays each time, due to my step kids. For my 50th, I had 3. One with the kids, one with my parents and in laws and one on the normal day. Cool !

  3. mmm, I spent my 50th on a train to and fro to Cardiff Uni for Open Days.. no party I said and wished otherwise.. but we had a fab holiday later and I have had loads of fun doing Col's this week it is nicer to do one for someone else sometimes! K xx


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